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There's Always More

There isn't a word to describe a weekend in the Hamptons. I can tell you it's special. I can tell you it's beautiful. But I can't really describe how it feels. That's beyond a word or two.

Some criticize the commitment it takes to get there. Not me. It's worth the effort. It's worth orchestrating a speedy departure on Friday. It's worth the time invested on the Long Island Expressway. It's worth the Pringles at Exit 70. And it's worth it to risk taking back roads in search of getting to 4 Saddle Lane just a little sooner. It's also worth a late night drive back to the city with my pal Simon as my co-pilot.

There were no fancy parties this weekend. Just lots of spinning, good meals, and pool time. Rique's SoulCycle classes on Friday and Saturday were completely overwhelming and difficult. I can't wait to go again. And Stacey's class on Sunday was more fun and more important to me than I expected. At one point in the class, she told us "There's always more." 

The energy in that SoulCycle barn is with me this morning. It's making Monday work.  I'm reminded there's always more.



Happy Fourth!
