
Welcome to my blog.

9 to 5

New York City is a big loud place this a.m., and it is a full full day.

First, we've got the helicopters monitoring the protestors. I guess they're going "occupy the city" today. Then some construction crew is demolishing something nearby. And the sanitation workers are mulching, squishing, and removing something. I'm hearing all of this with even more clarity because I have the window open in my office. And that's because it's so damn hot in here. Think "old people hot" - as in when you visit a really old person and it's so hot in there that it takes your breath or makes you want to vomit. I'm kinda leaning towards the latter.

I have to push on. 

I'm producing a live Web show this morning. It's on the exciting topic of admissions to an arts program. Crazy stuff, right? Straight from there I'm going to a "think tank" for two hours immediately followed by a planning meeting which should take me right through til 5. 

When is lunch?



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