
Welcome to my blog.


It's full confession Tuesday.

And here it is: I am addicted to ChapStick. I'm not talking about anything
fancy or expensive. Just the black label, original, classic ChapStick.

Yesterday after lunch I went looking for my trusty tube. It wasn't in my
pocket. Not in my desk drawer. My backpack? Nope. Surely in the pocket of my
coat? No, sir. I went back to my desk drawer and stirred everything around
like some sort of crack addict. Nothing.

The only solution was a mad dash to Walgreens on Astor Place, which by the
way, is very nice. The people there are slow, but that's another story.

So with my ChapStick in hand, I returned to work. It was a better place.
There was order amidst the chaos.

But did you know there's a whole Website devoted to ChapStick? I'm talking
about 800-numbers, fan groups, blogs, testimonials. Everything. Who knew?

An Oprah Show To Remember.
