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Turkey Time

I made it to the end - Istanbul. It's the only city that's partly in Europe and partly in Asia. Sort of like my trip. 
The trip from Warsaw didn't seem far on paper, but damn, it was a long way. I had a stop in Munich, and as far as I'm concer…

I made it to the end - Istanbul. It's the only city that's partly in Europe and partly in Asia. Sort of like my trip. 

The trip from Warsaw didn't seem far on paper, but damn, it was a long way. I had a stop in Munich, and as far as I'm concerned, I hope that's my last trip to or through Germany. Ughhh. I'm here for 27 hours, and I'm not even unpacking my suitcase.

A few days ago I wrote that old ladies and babies should fly on planes together. Now I think that business travelers should fly alone, and the rest of the vacationers can have at it.

My mom sends me daily terrorism updates, and I appreciate that. But the unreported threats are 60-80 year olds on vacation. They have potential to do the world some harm. They are completely oblivious to the rest of the world. They travel in mass. They don't pay attention. They cut in line. And they argue with everyone. The ladies yell at their husbands, and their husbands ignore them. Watch out for them. They are troublemakers.

I've been pretty tired of Facebook lately, but during this trip it's reconnected me with old friends. First in Singapore, and now in Istanbul. Ann, a recruiter friend from Iowa, is here for another tour, and I just happened to see her status update. Her husband is Turkish, and she's on her way to pick me up at the hotel. We're going for dinner and a little sight-seeing in Istanbul.

More later.


East, West. In The Middle.

Thursday, Really?