F - Finally. It's been a long week. R - Ridiculous. That explains a training session I just left. I - Idiot. Do you ever get so confused that you can't decide who's the
idiot? Me? Them. Probably me. D - DVR. Mine failed me while I was gone for two weeks. A - A lot. I have a lot of laundry to do. Y - Yippee. It's lunch time.
This is a lame post. But I'm brain dead. And I'm ready for 5 o'clock.
idiot? Me? Them. Probably me. D - DVR. Mine failed me while I was gone for two weeks. A - A lot. I have a lot of laundry to do. Y - Yippee. It's lunch time.
This is a lame post. But I'm brain dead. And I'm ready for 5 o'clock.