
Welcome to my blog.


It's the first day of class. I reminded myself to smile this morning and be happy. People are excited. They've got dreams. They've got hopes. 


Now that I've read through my e-mail and made one international call, I'm just gonna be honest. I'm old man grumpy in room 1247.

Here's my advice of the day:

E-mail is annoying and should be used strictly between friends. 

If you're late, you should've left earlier. 

If you really wanted to be a filmmaker and ended up being a teacher, remember that's not my fault.

If you happen to live in a European country mostly known for a famine, I can't really do a lot to make your country sexy and/or attractive to a college student. They likely starved to death out of pure boredom.

If you keep doing the same, you keep getting the same. And if something's not working after 5-years of that, a long report that you've given me two hours to complete ain't going to change anything.

And if you came to this blog looking for something inspirational or pleasant or mildly entertaining, you were sadly disappointed. Old Man Grumpy is signing off and seeking a Diet Coke.




Wash Out

Summer Night