
Welcome to my blog.

Joyce Floyd

You always knew when Joyce Floyd was on the move. That tall elegant lady had a firm, confident step. The sound echoed through the halls of CHS. But beyond that, the energy she radiated was one of those once-in-a-lifetime encounters. She never failed to greet you with a smile. Her warmth pushed you forward. And years after I graduated, she remained genuinely interested in what I was doing. Eyes sparkling.

Her list of medical problems was longer than the list of posts on this blog. They were completely debiltating. Never once did she complain, and never once did she fail to believe that a new medicine or new operation would be the cure. Faith. Powerful thinking. Positivity.

Just before Christmas. I was asked to put together a financial document that included some pretty hefty figures. We're talking multi-million dollars, folks. First, I questioned how I was going to complete it, and then I remembered Mrs. Floyd standing there in her classroom. I was a sophomore, and it was 1989. Cooper, Texas, population 2,338. It was the one and only accounting class I've ever taken. Debits. Credits. Plus. Minus. Total confidence. Joyce Floyd.

So yesterday when I learned that she passed, I wasn't sad. She was on the move. One confident step at a time.

I imagined her smile.

I thought of her warmth and positivity.

She's better now.

So are we.

That was one damn good fight, lady.


