When I poured my second cup of coffee, I turned around and said "You are disgusting." There was silence. I put down my coffee and took matters into my own hands.
I was talking to my closet.
It's a conversation I have often. The closet never talks back. Instead, he just drops things on my head. He hides things from me. He probably should. I ask a lot of him: first, to be a closet, then a library, and then a storage unit.
He generally wins every battle. Not this morning. I won, and I guess he did, too. I lightened his load a little, and for now, we're happy.
Then toward the end of the ordeal this morning, I opened a basket. I looked through lots of cards and letters I received over the years, and there it was: my Social Security Card.
For months I had been looking for that little blue card. I looked in the most logical places. Nothing. I searched and searched. I had given up.
It's mine again, and I'm going to keep a watchful eye on it. My laundry is almost done, too. Next stop: the gym. Have a good Saturday.