
Welcome to my blog.

Three's Good

Every weekend should be a three-day weekend. One day to shake off the week's
sludge. One day to really go deep into some much needed R&R, and then a
third day to sort of enjoy everything.

Here's what I did in no particular order.

1.) Slept. After three weeks, I finally slept through the night on Sunday
and Monday. And boy did that feel good. Wish I could get that in a bottle.

2.) Laid on the couch. In my favorite spot. With my favorite pillow. And
watch some of my favorite television.

3.) Ate. Good restaurants: 100 Acres. Buttermilk Channel. And Pizza Box, my

4.) Read. Mostly I looked at the pictures in some magazines and returned to
item #2.

That's about all I can remember. I zoned out. Unplugged. And recharged.

Ok week, here we go.

Climb Every Mountain

It's 4 O'Clock...