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Can Can

Saturday, July 5, 2008. -- Three must be the magic number for jet lag. I woke up at 3 a.m. I did my first load of laundry. I couldn’t resist. Then I went for a six-mile run from the apartment, by campus, and then through the Botanical Gardens. Beautiful.

My colleague Virginia invited me for brunch with her dad. And then I thought a nap was in order. Nope couldn’t sleep. Then I thought I’d go to the pool. Nope. Raining.

Claudine and her husband Collin invited me to dinner with their friends. They all belong to an Audi driving group. We went to an old air force base in the northern part of Singapore to this great casual place. Nice evening. One of the couples invited us back to their home --- a beautiful large home. They have two children and two nannies. Full time.

The house -- let me just say this. Big. Ridiculous. Spotless. And since you must take your shoes off, you can trust me on this: You could eat off the floors. And a note about the shoes -- they have a room next to the front door where all of their shoes are kept. Yep, I said a room.

“can can.”—a response to a question. “Can you take me to the botanical gardens?” -- “Yes, can can.”

“uncle” – a term used to respect older men, mostly taxi drivers. Or in my case, when I visited home mentioned above, the 8-year old Singaporean boy said to me, “uncle, do you want to play Wii?”

The Sun…Finally

No Fireworks