
Welcome to my blog.

Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat.

Tuesday, July 22 -- Catch up day here. Life is pretty normal. Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat.

Sunday's four-mile run was tough. During the first mile I thought -- "I'm really going to do this every day until Nov. 2?" And then the last mile was easy. It was fun again. I went to the pool. I took a nap. And then I went for an adventure on Singapore's subway system. It's spotless. So clean in fact, if I dropped a piece of food on the floor, I would seriously consider picking it up and eating it. 

Monday was rest day. No running. Just a lot of work. I was invited to an animation lecture. I am now certain that my brain doesn't work like others, especially like the speaker's. When he used the word algorithm, I left.

Tuesday. A short run this morning.  I think it's going to be a hot one. The air was super heavy this morning. I like to pick up a Diet Coke at the "petrol" station on my walk to work. This morning I bought two. I think it's gonna be one of those days.

A Storm Was Brewin'

Mr. Tan