Thirty two years ago, I saw them wheel my mom from the delivery room. They stopped in the hall, and I stepped up on the side of the gurney and said "I got what I wanted!"
Just a few feet away in the nursery were two little baby boys - Judd and Jason. I was five, and I remember it like it was yesterday. But everything that happened from that moment has been sort of a flash, or maybe two flashes. Identical, of course.
I remember their first night at home and a very early morning feeding. I remember that everywhere I went, people asked about them. Once I remember answering the door, and this older couple asking me if they could come in -- "We've never seen twins before" they said. Don't forget, I was five and obviously these were friends of the family, but that's what I remember, and I'm sure I proudly showed them off.
So there's been 32 years of brothers. That, of course, means some fights, but mostly more fun than you can imagine. And we laugh at the most ridiculous stuff - mostly at my mom's expense. We love her, and it's all in fun.
People ask me today if I was ever jealous of them, and my answer always has been "No. Never."
And now, Judd and Jason, for all the crap I've put up with, would you do something for me?
Please, dress alike. Just like when you were little. Please?