
Welcome to my blog.

The Rats Are Drowning

This morning, we are having the FLOOD of all floods. The rain even knocked out the cable television, at least at 210. And my short walk to work has left me more than a little wet. It's early here - 7:15 a.m., and I'm already at my desk. I'm "under t…

This morning, we are having the FLOOD of all floods. The rain even knocked out the cable television, at least at 210. And my short walk to work has left me more than a little wet. It's early here - 7:15 a.m., and I'm already at my desk. I'm "under the gun" as they say. Two days left in the office, and it all has to be done by 5 o'clock Friday. And with four weeks of travel ahead of me, I've got lists. Lists for work. Lists for fun. Just lists.

But do you know what's really on my mind?

The fact that I just left nine shirts with a lady that said she works at the dry cleaners. My favorite Korean lady friend was obviously running late to open the store, and after 10 minutes of standing in the rain with this other sweet lady, I felt like I could trust her. I can, right?


An update on the chumps from yesterday: They left after an hour, and the door still opens and closes the same. The same!

I Got What I Wanted

A Grand Slam