
Welcome to my blog.

Life or Limb

By now you know that I'm in a new office. One glass wall separates me from a receptionist and a bunch of people who are just loud. Loud when they talk. Loud when they type. Loud when they unwrap their breakfast sandwich. None of which is the least bit interesting to me. 

First, I turned on music. Then, headphones. I've stood in the hallway and glared at them. I've shut my door. And here's what I've come to learn. Loud people don't know they're loud. And uninteresting people don't know...well, you understand what I'm saying. 

I was advised to ask one of our counselors about a white noise machine he has in his office to cancel out jabber. I wrote to him this morning and got a vacation auto response that read:

"If this is a life or limb emergency, please contact the appropriate the most appropriate resource..."

I love this. I laughed out loud, and now I'm thinking of setting up a standard response on my e-mal that begins as his does and then continues:

"...otherwise, I will deal with your bs as soon as I can hear myself think."


Flat Stretch of Highway
