
Welcome to my blog.

Merry Chaos

I be damned if we didn't have a white Christmas in Texas.

First we had a tremendous thunderstorm at 3 a.m. The ground shook for hours, and then we had a flood. Then the snow. And this may be my fault. Here's why: The Murray Family was asked to light the advent candles at the Christmas Eve service. This always happens. There's some obligatory reading, and I received the bulk of the content. I read most of it, but then I figured everyone had had enough, and I cut it short. No one seemed to mind. 

Fast forward to 9 a.m. The troops arrived. We had breakfast and then merry chaos around the Christmas tree. A range from baby dolls to kindles and mini ipads were opened. Madison got the heels she wanted and hasn't taken them off since. And now at 9:30 p.m., I think we're fully functional. We've got movies going, Justin Bieber is on repeat and a selection of ringtones are ringing. Two have passed out. Nine are still going strong. 

Leddy Murray wins today's quote of the day. During one of the meals, we overheard Jake and Madison tell Leddy to stop acting like a grown up. Her response? "I tried acting like a kid, but it's just easier for me to act like a grown up."




Party for 20