
Welcome to my blog.

Mr. Fix It

I don't like it when things break. I really don't.

A week ago I noticed that part of the frame on my magic bed had a broken rivet. How it happened is unclear. Why it happened is clear -- only to aggravate me.

I was traveling early in the week and the rest of the week was so nuts, I decided not to worry about it.

Honestly, I didn't know how to fix it. 

On Saturday morning, I decided it was time to take care of business. I thought about it, and decided the only way to remove to lodged rivet was to saw it off and replace with a bolt, washer & nut. I thought that was what my dad would do.

I consulted with Ishmael at the hardware store. He said that was the way to go, and I left with a small hacksaw. An hour later, I had sawed halfway through and the blade was dull. Back to the hardware store. I told Ishmael that I thought I needed to buy some wire cutters/pliers to snip off the end. He said I couldn't do that. I went home with two new blades and sawed some more. 

I had to take a break. It wasn't working.

When I got home, I looked at that rivet. I looked at that saw, and I knew I couldn't start again.

I had a little rage.

I went back to the hardware store and right to the pliers without seeing Ishmael. I got what I wanted and went right to the cashier. 

"You again?" I heard from behind. It was Ishmael. Damn.

He looked at my purchase. Shook his head. And said there was no way I could do it. He said "you've gotta really have a strong grip."

I went home. Walked right to that damn rivet. Snipped it off in one squeeze. Rage. I inserted the replacement parts. Done in two minutes. 

And now I have a hacksaw, an extra blade, and one very handy pair of pliers.

Call me if I can help.

Sip N' See

A Good Day for a Run